[nycphp-talk] PHP book recommendations by role

Leila Lappin damovand at
Wed Jun 22 11:56:01 EDT 2005

--- Joseph Crawford <codebowl at> wrote:

> Ophir,
> could you recommend any books that are directed
> towards software engineering 
> or software development? As you said most people are
> fine with coding but 
> dont have the necessary knowledge in this area. That
> is me :).
> I have gone through book after book and taken the
> zend course so PHP is not 
> new to me but when i try to get into a large project
> i find myself lost in 
> the planning stages. I know how it should work and
> can make it work but i am 
> sure it's not going to be coded the proper way.
> I have no CS background.. are there any books i
> could pickup to get some of 
> this knowledge as well? I am looking to forward my
> knowledge in PHP but 
> other aspects as well.
> I know the easiest answer is to go to college but
> the largest obstacle wirh 
> that is time and money. :(
> -- 
> Joseph Crawford Jr.
> Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
> 1-802-671-2021
> codebowl at
> > _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP


I want to share with you what I have learned through
my actual work experience, I hope you’ll find it
useful.  Planning a large system should start out by a
process, referred to as (1) requirement gathering and
(2) specification writing. 

Before you write even a single piece of code you
should decide what you want the system do and how,
thoroughly and in detail.  You’ll know you’ve done
this part right when you can describe the system in
detail and complete with all the user interfaces,
again before you start coding.  When you’re writing up
your specification, based on the requirements, your
technical choices should address not only providing
for the requirements of the system today but also some
future extendibility.  For example should you require
the users login to the system?  How should you
validate the information and what should be done if
the validation goes through or does not go through. 
If you have a set of information or options that are
valid today would they always remain the same or would
you like them to change sometime in the future?

The process is almost intuitive once you develop the
right mindset.  I hope this helped.

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